Wednesday 1 October 2008

Feedback from peer analysis of blog

The feedback which we received from our peer assessment of our blog was generally positive. Something that we need to add to our blog is awareness of our target audience and how to make our video suitable for all. We could also include a more detailed shot list.

Some of the positive feedback we received was that our call sheets were professional and looked feasible. Good location information. However, there was confusion over why we had two call sheets so we need to make it clearer that there was two seperate shooting days. Feedback also suggested that everything that was supposed to be included in the blog has been.

Altohugh this was not suggested in our blog feedback, from looking at other blogs we have decided that we should include more pictures of our shooting and some test footage of lip syncing and colour correction.

We achieved high levels of the overall assessment with level 4 overall over all areas.

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