Tuesday 21 October 2008


Use of pans
1st pan-from car to bf on wall.
we shot bf lip syncing on the wall first, this proved difficult because our cameraman had to get the end of the pan to bf just as he starts singing.
the second shot for this pan was the car from the side, we did this numerous times to insure that the pan speed was the same as the first shot. In the edit of this pan we had to find the precise frame where both shots had the same frame then we had to transition between the two, to make it look seamless.

2nd pan picnic to bf on tree
first we shot the bf and gf sitting on a picnic blanket. then had to pan left and stopped on the tree. The second shot started on the picnic blanket then panned to bf lip syncing. This proved difficult again due to timing had to be correct when end of pan landed on beginning of line. Because there is such a big background there was even more risk of continuity issues when changing from pan to pan, as there was ever changing traffic and passers by. On editing we had to colour both shots due to a slight lighting change betweem the two takes.

Focus during shot scene
whilst filming the scene where they are drinking the shots, we used a focus pulling technique, on the point of view shots, which meant that our subject went in and out of focus thus giving the impression of a drunk persons vision.

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